
Monday, November 5, 2012

Instructional Strategies List


1. Gallery Walk
Have the students create a poster or other visual product (brochure, picture, sculpture) and ask the student to walk around and observe their classmate’s products while taking notes.
2. Poster Presentations
Have the students create posters in groups and then present their poster in front of the class.
3. Vote on Best Poster
During an activity involving posters, have the students vote on which they think is “best” or most accurate/effective but they may not vote for their own. This may spark some competition an encourage more effort.
4. Rate the Top Ten (Most Important, etc...)
Similar to the previous strategy with the added benefit of sparking a discussion about what aspect of some content are most important. (great for Industrial inventions, chapter’s of a books or anything that has multiple elements or causes)
5. Assign a Role for Each Group Member
During group work, assign roles to each member to encourage productivity and ownership
6. Jigsawing a Complex Concept
If dealing with a complex concept, Jigsaw the content into groups and have them create a visual representation of their assigned portion.
7. Brainstorm Before they Begin Poster
Having students brainstorm in groups before begining work on a poster will allow them to hash out ideas and work more efficiently during the prep time.
8. Supply them with a Graphic organizer to help students understand the concept
During poster presentations or other activities, supply the students with a graphic organizer to aid understanding and keep them on task.
9. Provide Rubric or Handout with Directions
Rubrics are great for posters and projects because they show the students exactly what is required of them.
10. Include Requirements for Visual Components
Sort of part of the previous entry but be sure to include the exact requirements for the visual aspect of the project. Its also a great idea to provide a model
11. 3D Model (Play-Doh, Legos)
If movies can be 3D, why can’t school. Use 3 dimensional products to access an entire new area of the students brains.
12. Video or Skit
Have the students work in groups to create a video or skit. This are fun, creative and can be used for future classes or team/community building. They are also great for incorporating technology within the classroom.

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